Tre stammers møte - meeting of the Three tribes

The term "meeting of three tribes" is used to describe the culture around the Lyngenfjord. For centuries, Norwegians, Sami and Kvens have lived and worked side by side. This has had a strong influence on place names, language, traditions and way of life.

At Halti in the centre of Storslett you will find seasonal tourist information, as well as exhibitions, a library and a cinema. Halti is a centre for nature, culture, expertise and business in Nordreisa municipality and Nord-Troms region.
Read more about Halti here.
The exhibition - Fantastiske Reisa / Fantastic Reisa

The exhibition "Fantastic Reisa" provides inspiration for trips and outdoor life - and tells about the important biodiversity and about the sustainability of the future. Explore the exhibition at your own pace or contact us for a guided tour with dissemination.
Read more about the exhibition here.
Ovi Rashiin

Ovi Raishiin is an information and vantage point for Reisa National Park. The place is run by Halti National Park Centre AS, as part of the Visitor Centre Reisa National Park. Ovi Raishiin means "the door to Reisadalen" in Kven, which is one of three languages traditionally used in the Reisa Valley.
Read more about Ovi Raishiin here.
Kronebutikken - Shop

Kronebutikken, in the centre of Sørkjosen, is an old general store from the early 1900s, which contains a shop with local handicrafts, food and books, as well as the workshop of Reisa leather products.
Read more about Kronebutikken here.
Historical hike in Reisa National park

The hike that is part of the North Calotte Trail became the official Historical Hiking Route in 2018, because the route provides magnificent nature experiences and and has important cultural-historical value. Take a detour and see the approximately 4,000-year-old rock paintings in Sieimma.
Read more about the historical walk here.
Tørfoss Kvengård

Tørfoss Kvengård in Reisadalen is a farm that shows you the Kven culture in Reisadalen. The farm bears witness to the Kven immigration that took place in Northern Norway in the 1700s and 1800s. Today it consists of a beautiful and traditional Kven farmhouse, a stretcher room, a Finnish sauna and three arches.
Read more about Tørfoss Kvengård here.
Paaskiviikko - The kven cultural days

The Kven Cultural Days, Paaskiviikko, celebrate and showcase the Kven culture, language, traditions and history. Unfortunately, many people today do not have very good knowledge of the cultural heritage of our Kven ancestors. The festival wants to focus on this. Through living cultural expressions and music, Paaskiviikko wants to highlight and create awareness of what is Kven, which is a large and important part of the cultural heritage in North Troms.
Read more here.
Havnnes trading post
Havnnes is a well-preserved, protected trading post from the 1800s located in the middle of some of the most magnificent nature in Northern Norway. Forget opening hours and guided tours; Havnnes is not a museum, the trading post is still in operation! The ten-minute ferry ride to Norway's northernmost trading post in operation is a detour from the E6 that offers cultural history, coastal life and a fantastic view.
Read more about Havnnes Handelssted here.
Book a guided tour of Havnnes Handelssted here.

Spåkenes is located on the border between Nordreisa and Kåfjord. Here you can enjoy a fantastic historical experience by seeing the remains of the coastal fort from World War II. Today there are several remains on the many gun emplacements and bunkers that you can enter. The coastal fort was built in North Troms by the Germans during World War II. You can read more about the coastal fort at Spåkenes on the many information signs that have been set in the area.
Read more here.
Nord-Troms Museum

Nord-Troms Museum is headquartered at the Halti building at Storslett in Nordreisa.
Their main exhibition "meetings" is open all year round. The museum also has showrooms for traveling exhibitions, which are replaced three to four times a year.
Me information can be found here.